Wasps and other Stinging Insects
Stinging insects are those pests that have a venom-filled stinger, which they use to paralyze prey or defend themselves against threats. What makes stinging insects so dangerous to people is that when they sting, the venom they inject is strong enough to trigger allergic reactions or even anaphylaxis.
While some species are solitary, most stinging insects are social and live together in large groups. Stinging insects place their nests in a variety of locations, including trees, chimneys, utility poles, bushes, roof eaves, under decks, behind window shutters, and shingles. Those that nest in the ground place their nests in ground holes or the abandoned nests of small animals.
Stinging insects are beneficial pests because they hunt nuisance insects, helping to keep their populations under control. They also help to pollinate crops and flowers. Outside and away from people, stinging insects pose no threats. However, once they choose our yards and homes as places to nest and forage for food, they become unwanted pests.
Examples of stinging insects living in our region include European paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, and western yellow jacks. While not all species of stinging insects are highly aggressive, they will deliver painful stings to defend their colony if they feel threatened. If stinging insects have decided to nest on your property, it is important to contact a professional to remove the nest safely from your yard or home.
Do you have unwanted pests? Let Impact help.
Stinging Insect Prevention Tips
Stinging insects are outdoor pests, and keeping them from nesting in your yard is difficult. You can, however, reduce their access to food sources by limiting the amount of flowering vegetation planted in your yard and keeping lids on trash cans and compost bins. To keep stinging insects out of your home, seal up openings in the roofline and exterior walls of your house. Also, repair torn screens and place caps on chimneys.
The easiest way to prevent problems with pests is to consult a professional. If you are looking for exceptional home pest control or commercial pest control services, contact the experts at Impact Pest Management.